Taking Care of Mom and Dad

The Baby Boomer Sandwich

You may have probably never heard of this term, but I'm positive you definitely have a friend or family member who falls into this category.  A Baby Boomer Sandwich is someone who has ageing parents and children living at home.  This can be an extremely stressful time in a woman's life because the demands of being a caregiver are often more stressful and harder on your health than it is for the parent needing care.   There are a few helpful things that you can do to reduce the stress.

Purchase Long Care Insurance 

                The first thing every woman should consider is looking into long term care insurance.  Purchasing this insurance will help your family receive the help they need.  Most parents of Baby Boomers did not purchase this type of insurance because by the time the need arrived it was too expensive, the key is to buy it at a younger age when premiums are lower.  This insurance will cover a wide variety of services that can help your family take care of you in your senior years. There are several different types of long term care insurance available based on your specific needs.  Most of them will pay a set amount per day for qualified care.  This amount will vary based on where you live and the level of care you need, I suggest you speak to your financial professional for more information.  

Split Your Responsibility 

  Second, for those who don’t have this insurance and have parents living at home one idea is adult day care. There are several facilities which offer adult day care and most seniors I know love to spend the afternoon with their friends doing activities and visiting with people.  This can offer the caregiver some time off so that they can rest and have some down time.  Caring for an aging parent can be hard but do some research on what is available in your area to help everyone through this difficult time. A good resources to look into is "A Place for Mom," it will give a detailed list of everything in your area and the services they provide.