Because my Why was Bigger than my How

Bringing Financial Literacy to Women

18 months ago my partners and I started the Women’s Education & Leadership League.  Our WHY, or the reason behind starting W.E.L.L, was to bring Financial Literacy to women from all backgrounds.  We have seen so many financial mistakes that are created from simply just a lack of knowledge and understanding.  We felt, if we gave women free Financial Literacy then we could really change the culture in their homes, businesses and community. 

People Challenged my WHY

This quickly became our passion and soon enough we started to get this off the ground.  People then started to come out of the woodwork with unsolicited advice about how we were doing this wrong or that wrong.

 “Where is your strategic plan, where is your business plan?” 

“Don’t start another nonprofit just donate to ours”

“Let me tell you all the reasons why this won’t work.”

All of this advice was coming from people who had never started their own businesses or started their own nonprofit, and while they were just trying to help it could have derailed us from our passion.               

Using my WHY to find my HOW

How many people have given up on their dreams of starting a business or another dream because they didn’t know HOW to accomplish the little tasks they encountered on their way to achieving their WHY.  Way too many people listen to the people who are not in the Arena.  I realized right away that I did not have all the answers but through W.E.L.L.; the women around me did and we have grown this nonprofit by supporting each other. 

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have all the answers, don’t be discouraged if you don’t know where to start, we have helped several women build their businesses with the resources they didn’t know they needed.  W.E.L.L is in the Arena with you, don’t let your WHY die just because you don’t know HOW.

Do you need help making your WHY become bigger than your HOW.  

Click here, to request resources specific to your needs and we look forward to hearing your WHY!